Winter Quarter Schedule 2025
Winter Quarter: January 5 - March 21
Pool Updates:
Friday February 14, 21, 28, and March 7 Lap Swim will be from 11:45am-1pm
No Water Aerobics on February 17
No General Swim on February 25
Holiday Schedules
Mid-Winter Break, pool open during regular hours on February 17, 2025.
All hours for the facility and pool can be found under the WEC Facility Schedule page.
4:30-5:30pm.........Lap Swim
5:30-8:00pm.........General Swim
6:00-7:30am..........Lap Swim
7:30-8:30am..........Water Aerobics*
11:00am-12:30pm......Lap Swim
4:30-5:25pm..........Lap Swim
5:30-6:30pm..........Water Aerobics*
6:30-8:00pm...............General Swim
6:00-7:30am..........Lap Swim
11:00am-12:30pm......Lap Swim
4:30-5:25pm..........Lap Swim
5:30-8:00pm..........General Swim
6:00-7:30am..........Lap Swim
7:30-8:30am..........Water Aerobics*
11:00am-12:30pm......Lap Swim
4:30-5:25pm..........Lap Swim
5:30-6:30pm..........Water Aerobics*
6:30-8:00pm..........General Swim
6:00-7:30am..........Lap Swim
11:00am-12:30pm......Lap Swim
4:30-5:30pm..........Lap Swim
5:30-8:00pm..........General Swim
6:00-7:30am..........Lap Swim
7:30am-8:30am.........Water Aerobics*
11:00am-12:30pm........Lap Swim
*Water Aerobics is an additional fee.